Frozen Shoulder
What Is Frozen Shoulder?
This is the condition where the shoulder normally becomes very tight and movements are reduced along with pain and stiffness. This very common shoulder problem getting in the middle age. It is seen in 1 in 50 population.
What causes it?
It has not yet been identified the exact reason why some get it. The main risk factors for developing Frozen Shoulder condition are as follows - Diabetes, Thyroid imbalance, Parkinson's disease and Cardiac disease, Post surgery or Post fracture around shoulder and Prolonged immobilization.
What are the symptoms?
It has a long time course and more commonly seen in those having Diabetes and those who smoke. This condition has been pointed out to have in three phases and the total duration of these phases can last up to Two years. The three stages are as follows.
Freezing Phase: Because of increasing severity of pain, the shoulder may lose range of movement. This could be there from 6 weeks to 9 months.
Frozen phase: The pain and suffering actually improves but leftover with inability to move the shoulder effectively. This period can last for Four to Six months.
Thawing phase: Range of movement starts improving and people start gaining function, This could last for another six months to sometimes even upto 2 years.
How is it diagnosed?
Diagnosis is by thorough physical examination and investigations. The investigations such as X ray and other tests are essentially normal. These investigations are done in order to exclude other possible diagnosis.
What are the treatment options?
Frozen shoulder probably would get better over time with the help of Normal Treatment . But this could take up to Three years. It is essential to start some exercises in order to get movements. Anti-inflammatory medications and injection into the shoulder joint with steroid can give short-term moderate relief.
Stretching, Massaging and Range of motion exercises under the supervision of a trained physiotherapist will be a great useful in the management of the Shoulder Pain. Those who do not improve with physiotherapy a surgical procedure called Arthroscopic capsular release with manipulation of shoulder can improve the condition. After surgery, all of them need physiotherapy to preserve the range of motion that was acquired during surgery. The total recovery of the condition could be as long as 6 months despite having a surgery.